Did you know…
The US National Eye Institute along with Prevent Blindness America reports: Diabetic retinopathy is now the leading cause of eye diseases that lead to blindness for people between the ages of 25 and 74.
For many folks in this age range, we could lose our crystal clear vision due to Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), Glaucoma, and even cataracts. And it's not something that just happens as we reach our 60’s or later. It can actually start as soon as you reach your 40s – affecting over 20.5 million people today.1*
That’s because the vision problems we are facing may have nothing to do with our eyes or aging itself… Instead, the root issue of vision loss could be due to current health concerns.
With issues such as high blood sugar, high blood pressure and even the meds we take, they can all greatly affect the nerves and especially the blood vessels that connect our eyes to our brain.
This is why getting new glasses or even new contacts may no longer work for you like it once did. And it’s because glasses and certain general treatments do nothing for the underlying condition of supporting our optic nerves, and delivering nutrients to support blood vessels.
You see, damaged blood vessels could cause vision impairing blood flow blockage to your eyes… which cuts off vital oxygen and nutrients that our eyes and nerves depend on.2*
Beyond that, your body will start to grow new blood vessels to bypass this blockage… but unfortunately, these new blood vessels are much weaker and even will start to leak blood. Which is why many people will start seeing blobs of dark floaters.
This blood vessel damage is one of the main reasons why folks with Type 2, and many others, will often need retina injections to stop this leakage, growth and bleeding from these abnormal blood vessels in the eye. 3*
On top of that, these problems can make us much more sensitive to light, causing blinding night glares that make it dangerous for us to drive in the evenings.
Lastly, with compromised blood flow support, our optic nerves that send vision along with eye repairing signals to the brain can also be affected.
Plus, if you are taking certain meds, such as metformin, it's been reported that with longer term use, these meds can decrease vitamin B12 levels. And since vitamin B is vital for repairing our nerves and cell walls,*4 many of us could be mistakenly blocking our nerve repair process even further.
That’s why it’s so important for us to replenish our eyes with these 10 super vision boosting nutrients that take care of our eye’s vessels, nerves, and even our retina at the same time–helping the body revitalize our vision, blood flow, nerves and overall eye health – so we can have clarity well into our later years.